Our learning journeys

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This focuses on children learning how to work, play and co-operate with and function in a group beyond the family.

Problem Solving, Reasoning & Numeracy

Covers aspects of mathematical understanding and provides the foundation for numeracy.

Language and Literacy

This focuses on children developing competence in talking to others and listening and in becoming readers and writers.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

This focuses on children developing knowledge and understanding of their environment, of other people and features of the natural and made world.

Physical Development

This focuses on children developing physical control, mobility, awareness of space and manipulative skills in indoor and outdoor environments.

Creative Development

Concentrates on the development of children’s imagination and their ability to communicate and to express ideas and feelings in creative ways.

Parents have the opportunity to discover more about the nursery curriculum and activities through displays in the reception area, Open Evenings, New Parents Information Events, Parents Meetings, Workshops, Newsletters, Weeksheets and Plays & Home Visits. Staff are always willing to answer any questions about the curriculum or provide additional information.