‘The Friends’, as we are known, are a group of parents and staff who meet regularly to plan and organise fundraising events for nursery. Some parents change each year, while others continue after their children have left nursery as they enjoy being involved with the planning and helping at our events.
The group was formed in 2011 and since that time they have raised over £12,000 for nursery. It has enabled us to purchase an outdoor classroom, build a mud kitchen, create a water station with its very own water wheel, sand pit and ‘tree house’, specialist outdoor clothing (jackets and trousers), and so the list goes on. We have also enhanced resources and equipment inside nursery providing purpose built art boards and indoor water & sand areas. It is our policy to spend the money as soon as possible so that your children receive the benefit from your efforts.
• Family Fun Day - Spring or Summer Term
• Christmas Fair – December
• Sponsored Walk – we also support external charities with the funds we raise
• Nursery trip to Smithills Farm at Bolton
• Summer Party with luxury raffle
• Pamper & Prosecco Evening
• Quiz Night
We understand how difficult it is for parents with young children to find babysitters and attend meetings so we are grateful for the different support parents and grandparents can give us. Many parents and grandparents offer their time at our events to run a stall, sell raffle tickets, collect raffle prizes or they are able to come in to do ‘odd jobs’, carry out repairs to equipment etc. Time is a valuable commodity which we truly value.
It is also a social time for the group, with our regular meetings and at the end of the year we celebrate our efforts by sharing a meal together. We are always welcome to new ideas and suggestions. You are very welcome to attend some or all of the meetings.