Our Day

The organisation of the day is built around clear flexible routines geared to the children needs. The balance of child led and adult directed activities and teaching takes into account children's feelings, needs and characteristics of learning.

Signing in, signing out self-registration

On arrival and departure all parents/carers need to sign their child in and out of Nursery, Breakfast and/ or After School Clubs.

Welcome Time - Key Person Groups

This is a lovely start to the session. The children experience the opportunity to spend time in a smaller group of children with their key people. During this important part of the day the children and adults get to know each other really well. It promotes children’s confidence and develops their communication and language skills. In the group they learn to listen to others, take turns and share. This quickly builds the children’s sense of community and self-esteem.

Free choice and adult directed play

After group time the children can choose to play inside or outside nursery. There is always a balance of adult led activities e.g. baking, gardening or an activity linked to something the children are interested in.

Snack times

During each session we serve a healthy snack which the children select independently. Adults support the children to wash their hands, pour their own drinks and to try new foods. We provide ‘tooth friendly’ snacks including; fruit, vegetables, wraps, crackers and cheese. We introduce different tastes and flavours throughout the year according to the season, celebrations and festivals we take part in.

Stories and activity times

Stories are often read throughout the day but especially at the end of the session. The group activity times often have a specific focus eg phonics, number or shape, music etc. This encourages the children to listen and learn in a more formal way.


This starts at 11.55 am. The children sing the ‘Washing hands’ song and can choose either to bring a packed lunch. Or have a hot dinner prepared by the school kitchen. These meals are healthy and nutritious.

Home time

The children can be collected at 12.00 pm or 1.00 pm, after the morning session or anytime between 3.15 and 4.00 pm in the afternoon. All parents and carers must be known to the staff or familiar with their child’s password.

Breakfast and After School Clubs

• Both clubs take place in the Nursery Building and are led and run by members of the Nursery Team.
• Breakfast Club opens at 8.00 am until 8.55 am. The children can select breakfast up until 8.30 pm
• After School Club starts at 4.00 pm for the nursery children and 3.20 pm for the school children. The children are provided with a light snack at 4.15 pm
• Children can be collected anytime up until 5.45 pm
• Breakfast and After School Clubs are open to children who attend Heyhouses C of E Primary School and are in Reception or year 1