Ofsted 2016

We had a visit from the Ofsted Inspector on 13 September 2022. The full report can be found on the Ofsted website
Staff undertake regular assessments of children's abilities. They identify the next steps in children's learning and use these to plan ambitious activities which build on what children know and can do.
Children who speak English as an additional language are well supported. Staff use various teaching strategies such as picture cards, visual timetables and keywords in their home language to support learning. As a result, children learn new words, developing the skills they need to be confident communicators.
Staff work collaboratively with other professionals and schools to enable smooth transitions for children. They take children to visit the school they will attend which helps them to be familiar with the environment and the teachers.
Parents receive advice through newsletters and informative workshops on subjects, such as e-safety and healthy eating. Parents say staff are 'awesome' because they go above and beyond with the care of their children.
Leaders have systems in place to ensure children's allergies and dietary requirements are catered for and their safety and well-being is supported.
Staff provide plenty of opportunities for children to develop communication, and language skills. Staff sieze opportunities to extend and develop children's growing vocabulary, through general conversation and interactions. Children demonstrate that they are confident in their understanding of early mathematical concepts.
Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported exceptionally well. Intervention plans are regularly monitored and gaps in learning are targeted with precision. Children's physical development is well supported.